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Registration Questions  How to use the Keys  Corporate Services
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Registration Questions

Why should I register with the site?

Registration enables you to receive informative newsletters and participate in discussions in our Talk Mushrooms forum. Registration is simple, quick and free and if you would like to register today, please visit the 'Register' section of the site.

I have forgotten my password

If you have forgotten your password, we can email this to you at the email address which you supplied to us upon registration. Click here to proceed.

I have forgotten my username

Go to 'forgotten password' and request your log in details by entering your email address (please note, the system will only accept the email address you supplied on registration).

I want to change my username and password

You are able to change your username and password by visiting the 'Register' section of the site and logging on.

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How to use the Keys

Easy Key

We have picked out some of the salient features of the fungus specimens you may be trying to identify and built up a series of check-boxes that you can click to bring up a selection of mushrooms that have those features. It is not a dichotomous key, rather a very simplified multi-entry key. The best way to use it is to enter the characters you are sure about, such as unusual smell, stem absent, small size, grows on wood orange colour. Those answers that you find difficult are best left out, it is not necessary to click in every section.

When you have put in all the element you are sure about have a look at the selection you have made in many cases the group you will need to examine via the full text may be immediately obvious.

To avoid a 50 page key we have reduced the number of possibilities to a very restricted series of questions, (sometimes we may be at fault for over restricting the number of choices), thus the word "brown" in the mushroom colour section covers all browns from yellowish, reddish to olivaceous, and all the tones from fairly light to very dark.

Visual Key

This is another way into the vast numbers of mushroom that are contained in the site.

It is especially designed for the beginner. Spend a little time looking over the pictures so when you make a collection you will have an idea of which of the main genera you might have collected and can first go to that genus or group. For the more knowledgeable it is an easy way to bring up all the members of a group, some of the groups are composites like Boletus and allies, some are simple like Russula.

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Corporate Services

How to purchase images from the site.

The site contains over 3000 images of mushrooms from North America and Europe but this represents only a fraction of the number of high quality photographs available from the work of Roger Phillips. Please visit the section Buy photos for full information on purchasing the right to use these images.

How to find out more about the company behind RogersMushrooms

Please visit the About Us section and click on Corporate Services.

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Problems with the site

I can't log on to the Forums

If you cannot log on to the forums it could be for several reasons. You may have entered in an incorrect username or password, or there may be a genuine error with the system. If you have typed in an incorrect username or password, the site should display a message which tells you this. If it displays any other type of message, please visit the following [email protected] and we will begin an investigation of this problem and contact you directly.

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Botanical Questions

I am looking for a Mushroom not listed on the site

If you have tried using the Keyword Search, Easy Key + Visual Key and have still not been able to locate the Mushroom you are looking for, you can always post a message in the Talk Mushrooms Forum and ask for assistance from our global community.

I want to ask a botanical question

The Talk Mushrooms Forum is the ideal place to pose a botanical question. Oftentimes the authors will visit the forum and answer questions so you could get a more in depth answer than you had bargained for!

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