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Agaricus bisporus.   Click a photo to enlarge it.   back to list

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  • synonyms: Agaric cultivé, Champignon de Paris, Cultivated Mushroom, Kétspórás csiperke, termesztett csiperke, Pratelle, Zuchtchampignon
    Agaricus bisporus Mushroom
    Ref No: 6828
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    Agaricus bisporus2 Mushroom
    Ref No: 6829
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    location: North America, Europe
    edibility: Choice
    fungus colour: White to cream, Brown
    normal size: 5-15cm
    cap type: Convex to shield shaped
    stem type: Ring on stem
    spore colour: Purplish to black
    habitat: Grows on the ground

    Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Pilát Zuchtchampignon Agaric cultivé, Pratelle, Champignon de Paris, Kétspórás csiperke, termesztett csiperke, Cultivated Mushroom. Cap 5–12cm across, hemispherical expanding convex, greyish-brown to umber covered in brown radiating fibres and often slightly scaly with age. Stem 35–55 x 8–14mm, white, often flaky below the membranous sheathing ring. Flesh white bruising faintly red. Taste and smell mushroomy. Gills dirty pinkish darkening with age. Cheilocystidia thin-walled, elongate-clavate, 17–44 x 7–14µ. Spore print brown. Spores ovate to subglobose, 4–7.5 x 4–5.5µ. Basidia two-spored, separating this species from the rest of this genus which all have four-spored basidia. Habitat on manure heaps, garden waste and roadsides, not in grass. Season late spring to autumn. Occasional. Edible. Distribution, America and Europe. This species is believed to be the wild ‘parent’ of many of the cultivated crop varieties, all of which have two-spored basidia.

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    Tudor Ioana (Romania) - 05 January 2025

    Tudor Ioana si Paul Covic, Romania 5 ianurie 2025. ciuperca de bãlegar
    Agaricus bisporus2
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