Useful Links
British Mycological Society The British Mycological Society (BMS) was founded in 1896 and has some 2025 members from many countries around the world, reflecting its international status. Its sole objective is to promote mycology in all its aspects
NAMA The North American Mycological Association is a non-profit organization of amateur and professional mycologists with more than 60 affiliated local mycological clubs throughout North America. NAMA's mission is "to promote, pursue, and advance the science of mycology."
MSA Founded in 1932 The Mycological Society of America is a scientific society dedicated to advancing the science of mycology - the study of fungi of all kinds including mushrooms, molds, truffles, yeasts, lichens, plant pathogens, and medically important fungi.
Société Mycologique de France French mycological society
International Groups & Organisations
The International Mycological Association (IMA), founded in 1971, represents the interests of over 30,000 mycologists worldwide.
EUROPEAN MYCOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION This site has a comprehensive list of links to mycological societies all over the world
Mycologists of Asia International Mycological Association Committee for Asia
Latin American Mycological Association Spanish, Portuguese, English
National Groups & Associations
America Missouri Mycological Society An organization dedicated to the study and enjoyment of mushrooms. Forays, meetings, educational research and good local and national links
America Mid Hudson Mycological Association A NAMA affiliated club and also part of the North East Mycological Federation
Australia The Australian Mycological Society
Austria Austrian Mycological society Membership is open to anyone with an interest in any aspect of mycology, lectures, forays and mushroom advice
Belgium Le cercle de Mycological de mons well illustrated site with a good links page
Bulgaria Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Botany - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Canada The Vancouver Mycological Society A club devoted to the study of mushrooms and fungi - links to online courses events, library
Canada Le Cercle des mycologues de Montréal (CMM) The Mycologists Society of Montreal available in English too
Czech Rebublic Czech Scientific Society for Mycology In English with excellent links to University and scientific institutions
Denmark Danish Mycological Society English version available-good searchable data base links
Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie German Mycological Society
Holland Netherlands Mycological Society Available in English good illustrations, foray news and links
Italy Associazione Micologica Bresadola Micological Association of Italy coordinating mycologists throughout the country
Japan The Mycological Society of Japan In English
Norway Norsk Soppforening Norwegian mycological association with good links and up to date information on events
Poland Fungi of Poland and Czech Rebublic
Spain Associació Micològica Joaquim Codina Spanish mycological site with extensive worldwide links
Sweden Sveriges Mykologiska Förening Swedish Mycological Society
UK Association of British Fungus Groups UK national organisation for field enthusiasts. Links to many regional groups
UK Northwest Fungus Group links page The North West Fungus Group (NWFG) was established in 1994 as a regional umbrella group to promote an interest in fungi in the Northwest of England and Wales, UK. Excellent selection of worldwide links covering every area of mycology
Other mushroom & fungi sites around the World
Big Hairy Index of fungus web sites - Links to everywhere
Mexican Mushroom Tours Excursions for 'Fungi Aficionados with a Taste for the Exotic'
Fungiman Japanese site with beautiful illustrations
Photo Fungi Foray Group New Zealand Great site with good links to other NZ mushroom sites
The WWW Virtual Library Virtual Library of Mycology an incredible resource with UK and European mirror sites
http://www.mykoweb.com/ The Fungi of California and extensive links
Federazione Micologica Lombarda
Mycologic Naturalistic Group Gruppo Micologico-Naturalistico C.E.A. Ancona - in English
European Forest Research An independent non-governmental organisation conducting European forest research
Studies in the genus Amanita A superb world-academic study of much of the genus, including unnamed species.
Mushworld Korean site in English - medicinal mushroom cultivation and many world wide links
Sweden Extensive links
The Shroomery Mushroom photo gallery- cultivation and links
All About Magic Mushrooms
http://www.mushroomexpert.com/ A beautifully illustrated, easy to use site developed by Michael Kuo author of "Morels," forthcoming from the University of Michigan Press.
David Work Mushroom Photography 2004 NAMA photographic contest award Winner David Work’s wonderful gallery of mushroom photographs and more.
Cab's Wild Food Page Photos of poisonous and edible mushrooms, recipe section and good relevant links throughout the site.
Mushroom suppliers
Knowledge.com Worldwide links to mushroom producers and suppliers. Advice on growing mushrooms along with many many other mushroom associated links within other categories on the site.
caterer-directory.com list of UK mushroom suppliers Also lists email contact info and postal address
Fungi Perfect Source for gourmet and medicinal mushrooms
sporeworks.com Exotic culture and spore supplier
Info Poisonous Mushrooms
Wild Mushrooms and Poisoning - The Dos and Don'ts Information from North Carolina State University
Mushrooms Minnesota Poison Control Centre- links and valuable information
Bad Bug Book Mushroom toxins Advice from the USA food and drug administration
Poisonous Fungi an American student's interesting survey
Health Information about wild mushroom poisoning from The Western Pennsylvania Hospital
WCH Clinical Toxicology Resources University of Adelaide - help in identifying poisonous mushrooms
dmoz open directory project The Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors. There are extensive mushroom links organised helpfully into various sub-categories i.e. Science: Biology: Mycology through to Recreation: Drugs: Psychedelics: Mushrooms!