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Agaricus praeclaresquamosus.   Click a photo to enlarge it.   back to list

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  • synonyms: Agaricus meleagris
    Agaricus praeclaresquamosus Mushroom
    Ref No: 6864
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    Agaricus praeclaresquamosus2 Mushroom
    Ref No: 6865
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    Agaricus praeclaesquamosus Buck Freeman .jpg Mushroom
    Ref No: 9816
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    location: North America
    edibility: Poisonous/Suspect
    fungus colour: Grey to beige
    normal size: over 15cm
    cap type: Convex to shield shaped
    stem type: Ring on stem
    flesh: Flesh discolours when cut, bruised or damaged, Mushroom has distinct or odd smell (non mushroomy)
    spore colour: Purplish to black
    habitat: Grows in woods

    Agaricus praeclaresquamosus Freeman syn. Agaricus meleagris of many American authors Cap 5-20cm across, convex with flattened disc; with gray to gray-brown or blackish flattened scales on a white background; dry. Gills free, crowded; white to grayish then deep brown. Stem 80-150 x 10-30mm, equal to clavate; white, often discoloring reddish brown; smooth; ring white, thick, felt-like, membranous, very persistent. Flesh firm; white, bruising bright yellow in the extreme base of the stem, finally reddish brown. Odor unpleasant, phenolic, ink-like, especially when flesh is crushed or cooked. Taste similar. Spores ovoid, 4-6.5 x 3-3.5(4)µ. Deposit deep brown. Habitat under mixed woods, along roads and paths. Frequent. Found throughout western North America. Season September-December. Not edible- poisonous to many. Comment The name meleagris cannot be used for this since another fungus-formerly placed in Agaricus- was given this name earlier. The third and fourth photographs were taken by Buck McAdoo in the USA.

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