Entoloma griseum (Pk.) Hesler Cap 4-5cm across, convex with a small umbo, becoming flatter, sometimes with a depression, and somewhat upturned in age, umber or grayish, fawn brown; hygrophanous with a lined margin when wet and minutely scaly all over. Gills adnexed, crowded, medium broad; grayish white to nut brown. Stem 60-100 x 3-4mm, hollow, fragile, slightly tapering upward; silky white with dingy brown tinges. Flesh thin; dark. Odor mild. Taste mealy. Spores angular spheroid, generally 5-6 sided, 9-12 x 7-9µ. Deposit cinnamon. No pleurocystidia or cheilocystidia. Habitat on soil and sphagnum in very damp woods. Found in northeastern North America, south to Tennessee. Season August-September. Not edible. |