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Fuscoboletinus aeruginascens.   Click a photo to enlarge it.   back to list

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  • Fuscoboletinus aeruginascens Mushroom
    Ref No: 7741
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    location: North America
    edibility: Edible
    fungus colour: Grey to beige
    normal size: 5-15cm
    cap type: Convex to shield shaped
    flesh: Flesh discolours when cut, bruised or damaged, Mushroom slimy or sticky
    spore colour: Light to dark brown
    habitat: Grows in woods, Grows on the ground

    Fuscoboletinus aeruginascens (Seer.) Pomerleau & Smith syn. Suillus aeruginascens (Seer.) Snell Cap 3-12cm across, round becoming convex then almost flat; smoky gray to wood brown, becoming paler, yellowish or almost whitish, in age with dingy spots; slimy when moist, finely hairy to somewhat scaly, sometimes cracking when dry. Tubes 6-9mm deep, adnate or subdecurrent; white or pale brown at first, becoming brownish gray to smoke gray, bruising bluish green. Pores round, becoming irregular and angular; same color as tubes. Stem 40-60 x 8-12mm, solid, tapering slightly upward; whitish above the ring, smoke gray or brownish gray below; somewhat sticky with netlike ridges. Veil cottony, grayish to yellowish; leaving a flattened ring. Flesh firm at first, then soft; whitish to yellowish, turning bluish green where bruised or handled. Odor not distinctive. Taste mild, fruity. Spores ellipsoid to subfusiform, smooth, 8-12 x 3.5-5µ. Deposit pinkish brown. Habitat scattered or in groups under larch. Common. Found widely distributed in northern North America. Season July-October. Edible - good.

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