synonyms: Pholiote changeante, Sheathed Woodtuft, Stockschwammchen |
location: North America, Europe |
edibility: Edible |
fungus colour: Yellow, Red or redish or pink, Brown |
normal size: 5-15cm |
cap type: Convex to shield shaped |
stem type: Ring on stem |
spore colour: Light to dark brown |
habitat: Grows in woods, Grows on wood |
Kuehneromyces mutabilis (Schaeff. ex Fr.) Sing. & Smith syn. Galerina mutabilis (Schaeff. ex Fr.) Orton syn. Pholiota mutabilis (Schaeff. ex Fr.) Kummer Stockschwammchen Pholiote changeante Sheathed Woodtuft. Cap 3–6cm across, convex then expanded and usually umbonate, bright orange-cinnamon when moist drying pale ochraceous from the centre and often appearing distinctly two-coloured. Stem 30–80 x 5–10mm, whitish above becoming darker tan to blackish towards the base, scaly below the ring. Flesh white tinged brownish. Taste and smell not distinctive. Gills pallid at first later cinnamon. Spore print deep ochre. Spores ovoid to slightly almond-shaped with germ-pore, 6–7.5 x 4–5um. Habitat in dense clusters on stumps or trunks of deciduous trees. Season spring to early winter. Common. Edible – good. Take great care not to confuse this species with other smallish brown poisonous fungi. Distribution, America and Europe. |
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lee collins (United Kingdom) - 27 April 2025
Kuehneromyces mutabilis(two toned pholiota)
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