Hebeloma mesophaeum (Pers.) Quél Dunkelscheibiger Fälbling Veiled Poisonpie Cap 2–4.5cm across, convex then expanded, yellowish-brown, darker tan to date-brown at the centre, viscid when moist, margin covered in white fibrous remains of veil in young specimens. Stem 40–70 x 4mm, whitish above, with a poorly developed fibrillose ring zone, brownish towards the base. Flesh white in cap, brownish towards stem base. Taste bitter, smell strongly of radish. Gills clay-brown. Cheilocystidia thin-walled, hyaline, elongate-cylindric with obtuse apex, base often slightly enlarged. Spore print rusty-clay. Spores elliptic, very minutely punctate, 8–10 x 5–6um. Habitat damp woodland, often on burnt ground. Season late summer to early winter. Occasional. Edibility unknown –avoid, as many Hebelomas contain toxins. Distribution, America and Europe. |