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Hydnochaete olivacea.   Click a photo to enlarge it.   back to list

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  • Hydnochaete olivacea Mushroom
    Ref No: 7938
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    location: North America
    edibility: Inedible
    fungus colour: Brown
    normal size: over 15cm
    cap type: Other
    stem type: Lateral, rudimentary or absent
    spore colour: White, cream or yellowish
    habitat: Grows on wood

    Hydnochaete olivacea (Schw.) Banker Fruit body annual or persisting; no stem; broadly spreading crust with jagged surface, up to 30cm long, l0cm wide; dull yellowish or olive-brown; nearly pore-like at the margin but strongly tooth-like elsewhere. Fertile surface teeth up to 6mm long, flattened to cylindrical, blunt and ragged near tip. Bristles numerous over the entire surface of the teeth; sharp, tapered at both ends, thick-walled; dark reddish brown; 55-90 x 9-15µ. Flesh 1-3mm thick; brown; leathery. Spores cylindrical, smooth, 5.5-7 x 1-1.5µ. Deposit white. Habitat on the underside of dead branches of hardwoods, especially oak. Common. Found widely distributed in eastern North America. Season June-October, may persist for years. Not edible.

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