location: North America |
edibility: Poisonous/Suspect |
fungus colour: Green, Brown |
normal size: Less than 5cm |
cap type: Conical or nearly so |
stem type: Simple stem |
flesh: Mushroom has distinct or odd smell (non mushroomy) |
spore colour: Light to dark brown |
habitat: Grows in woods, Grows on the ground |
Inocybe atripes Atkinson. Cap 1.5-3.5cm across, broadly conic; tawny olive to brown; fibrillose to scaly. Gills adnexed; pallid then tawny. Stem 30-60 x 3-8mm, equal or a little swollen at the base; pallid at the apex, then brown darkening from the base upward; pruinose and slightly fibrillose. Flesh white. Odor spermatic. Spores ovoid, smooth, 8-9 x 5-5.5µ. Deposit snuff brown. Pleurocystidia clavate, thick walled, encrusted, yellowish in 3 percent KOH, 40-45 x 13-15µ. Habitat on the soil under mixed trees. Occasional. Found in northeastern North America, west to Wyoming. Season July-October. Not edible most Inocybes have been found to contain toxins. Comment My specimens do not show the blackening stem base well. |
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