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Inocybe calamistrata var. mucidiolens.   Click a photo to enlarge it.   back to list

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  • Inocybe calamistrata var mucidiolens 2 Mushroom
    Ref No: 8597
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    Ref No: 8599
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    location: North America
    edibility: Poisonous/Suspect
    fungus colour: Red or redish or pink, Brown
    normal size: Less than 5cm
    cap type: Distinctly scaly
    stem type: Simple stem
    flesh: Flesh discolours when cut, bruised or damaged, Mushroom has distinct or odd smell (non mushroomy)
    spore colour: Light to dark brown
    habitat: Grows in woods, Grows on the ground

    Inocybe calamistrata var. mucidiolens Grund & Stuntz. Cap 2.5-5cm across, convex; pallid reddish brown, reddening where bruised; strongly fibrillose, at times squarrose (scaly). Gills adnexed to adnate; pallid at first, then more red brownish. Stem 40-90 x 4-12mm; colored like the cap, bruising reddish brown, especially on the scales, the base sometimes swollen and discoloring blue-green; coarsely fibrillose, the fibrils sometimes turning up into scales. Flesh pallid, but discoloring reddish brown on exposure; stem base usually shows blue-green color. Odor very strong, a mixture of pleasant flowery scent and ripe pears or green corn. Spores large, bean-shaped, smooth, 8.5-11.5 x 4.5-6µ. Deposit snuff brown. Pleurocystidia absent. Habitat in conifer woods. Rather frequent in Washington and also found in Nova Scotia, but will presumably turn up elsewhere as it becomes better known. Season August-October. Not edible most Inocybes have been found to contain toxins. Comment It brings to mind the European Inocybe bongardii (Weinm.) Quél., which is also a large mushroom with a strong smell but entirely lacks the blue coloring in the stem base.

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