synonyms: Inocbye fastigié, Kegeliger Risspilz |
location: North America, Europe |
edibility: Poisonous/Suspect |
fungus colour: Yellow, Brown |
normal size: 5-15cm |
cap type: Conical or nearly so |
stem type: Simple stem |
flesh: Mushroom has distinct or odd smell (non mushroomy) |
spore colour: Light to dark brown |
habitat: Grows in woods, Grows on the ground |
Inocybe fastigiata (Schaeff. ex Fr.) Quél. syn I. pseudofastigiata Rea. Kegeliger Risspilz, Inocbye fastigié. Cap 2–10cm across, conical or bell-shaped with prominent umbo, splitting radially on expanding, straw-yellow or buff covered in long silky fibres. Stem 30–90 x 4–12mm, white at apex, pale buff below, no bulb. Flesh white, unchanging. Taste mild with bitter aftertaste, smell slight, mealy. Gills adnexed or adnate, yellowish-clay with white edge. Cheilocystidia thin-walled, cylindric, non-encrusted. Spore print snuff-brown. Spores smooth, bean-shaped 9–12 x 4.5–7µ. Habitat in deciduous woodland especially beechwoods. Season early summer to late autumn. Common. Poisonous. Distribution, America and Europe. |
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Lorand Bartho (Hungary) - 03 March 2025
Hungarian name, Kerti susulyka
Lorand Bartho (Hungary) - 24 October 2025
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