Inocybe flocculosa (Berk). Sacc. syn. I. gausapata Kühn. Flockiger Risspilz, Fleecy Fibrecap. Cap 24cm across, bell-shaped with a prominent broad umbo, pale cinnamon brown with cream or grey down, margin paler and joined to the stem by a whitish cortina. Stem 3050 x 510mm, white becoming flushed fawn with white base, apex pruinose. Flesh white, reddening slightly in the stem. Taste mild, smell mealy or fruity. Gills adnexed, crowded, pale fawn at first later cinnamon. Cystidia thick-walled, fusoid, with apical encrustation. Spore print snuff-brown. Spores smooth, almond-shaped, 811 x 4.55.5µ. Habitat in broad-leaved or mixed woods. Season autumn. Occasional. Poisonous. Distribution, America and Europe. |