Naucoria scolecina (Fr.)Quél. syn. Alnicola scolecina (Fr.)Romagnesi syn. Naucoria phaea syn. Alnicola badia. Gestreifter Erlenschnitzling Cap 0.5–3cm across, umber to date-brown drying pale ochraceous tan, striate near the margin when moist. Stem 30–50 x 2–5mm, concolorous with cap, slightly white silky fibrillose, darkening towards the base. Flesh brown to tan. Taste mild, smell not distinctive. Gills brownish to tan. Cheilocystidia thin-walled, with swollen base and narrow neck terminating in acute apex. Spore print brown. Spores brown, almond-shaped and rough, (9)10–14 x 5–6.5um. Habitat under alders. Season autumn. Uncommon. Not edible. Found In Europe. |