synonyms: Bay Cup, Kastanienbrauner Becherling, Pézize brune |
location: North America, Europe |
edibility: Inedible |
fungus colour: Brown, Grey to beige |
normal size: 5-15cm |
cap type: Cup shaped |
stem type: Lateral, rudimentary or absent |
flesh: Flesh exudes white or watery latex (milk) when cut, Flesh granular or brittle |
spore colour: White, cream or yellowish |
habitat: Grows on the ground |
Peziza badia Pers. ex Mérat Kastanienbrauner Becherling Pézize brune, Bay Cup. Cup 3–8cm across, cup-shaped, irregularly wavy with age, sessile, inner surface olive-brown, outer reddish-brown and slightly scurfy. Flesh thin, reddish-brown, yielding watery juice. Asci 330 x 15µ, blued at the tip by iodine. Spores elliptical, containing two oil drops, irregularly reticulate, 17–20 x 9–12µ. Habitat on soil especially on open clay banks or paths. Season late summer to autumn. Common. Edible when well cooked, poisonous if eaten raw. Distribution, America and Europe. |
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Michiel Thomas (Netherlands) - 17 May 2025
Is this a Peziza badia?
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