synonyms: Gewölbter Becherling, Palamino Cup, Pézize sinuée |
location: North America, Europe |
edibility: Inedible |
fungus colour: White to cream, Yellow, Grey to beige |
normal size: 5-15cm |
cap type: Cup shaped |
stem type: Lateral, rudimentary or absent |
flesh: Flesh granular or brittle |
spore colour: White, cream or yellowish |
habitat: Grows on the ground, Grows on plant material/manure |
Peziza repanda Pers. Gewölbter Becherling Pézize sinuée, Palamino Cup. Cup 3–12cm across, cup-shaped at first, expanding and becoming wavy and the margin toothed, sessile, inner surface pale ochraceous brown to chestnut, outer ochraceous cream and slightly scurfy. Asci 300–13m, blued at the tip by iodine. Spores elliptical, smooth,15–16 x 9–10um. Habitat in leaves around stumps, large forms on sawdust. Season spring to autumn. Occasional. Not edible. Distribution, America and Europe. The specimens on a wall were photographed by Harry Tweddell. |
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Bexy Callow (United Kingdom) - 10 October 2025
Found in beach woodland, small group.
Taken: 10th October 2025
barbara haessler (United States) - 15 July 2025
we have had a lot of rain this year might be why these come up on some mulch we put down this year. I think they are peziza repanda.
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