location: North America |
edibility: Inedible |
fungus colour: Red or redish or pink, Orange |
normal size: Less than 5cm |
cap type: Cup shaped |
stem type: Lateral, rudimentary or absent |
spore colour: White, cream or yellowish |
habitat: Grows in woods, Grows on wood |
Sarcoscypha occidentalis (Schw.) Sacc. Cup 0.5-1.5cm across, shallow cup-shaped: inner surface scarlet, outer surface whitish and smooth, though color on inner, surface may show through. Stem 10-30 X 2mm, cylindrical; white. Spores ellipsoid, usually containing 1 oil drop at each end, often surrounded by smaller drops, 20-22 x 10-12µ.. Habitat on wet sticks and fallen branches in damp hardwood forests. Common. Found in eastern North America. Season May-June or later in cool years. Edibility not known. |
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