The mushrooms

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Use the alphabetical tabs below to navigate the list of species. To perform a more detailed search, please use our easy key
Ileodictyon cibarium
Incrustoporia semipileata
Inocybe adaequata
Inocybe albodisca
Inocybe atripes
Inocybe bongardii
Inocybe caesariata
Inocybe calamistrata
Inocybe calamistrata var. mucidiolens
Inocybe calospora
Inocybe cincinnata
Inocybe cookei
Inocybe corydalina
Inocybe dulcamara
Inocybe eutheles
Inocybe fastigiata
Inocybe fastigiata var. umbrinella
Inocybe flocculosa
Inocybe geophylla
Inocybe geophylla var. lilacina
Inocybe godeyi
Inocybe grammata
Inocybe griseolilacina
Inocybe haemacta
Inocybe hirtella
Inocybe hystrix
Inocybe jurana
Inocybe lacera
Inocybe lacera var. heterosperma
Inocybe lanuginosa
Inocybe longicystis
Inocybe maculata
Inocybe margaritispora
Inocybe napipes
Inocybe patouillardii
Inocybe petiginosa
Inocybe praetervisa
Inocybe pyriodora
Inocybe rimosoides
Inocybe subcarpta
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